Loan Protection

Loan Protection Insurance provides the funds needed to repay any overdrafts, loans, commercial mortgages, investment, or venture capital, Bounce Back and Recovery Loans, personal guarantees, and Directors’ loans (which are immediately repayable by the company in the event of death) should one of the company owners die or suffer a critical illness.

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Examples of Company Loans

  • Overdrafts
  • Company Loans
  • Commercial Mortgages
  • Directors’ Loans Accounts
  • Venture Capital
  • Personal Guarantees
  • Short-Term Debts
  • Bounce Back/Recovery Loans

Why you need Company Loan Protection

  • Directors Loan Accounts need to be repaid immediately upon death.
  • Avoids the company being financially crippled by its debts.
  • Enables the company to avoid dipping into cash reserves to settle liabilities.
  • Stops the families of Directors and guarantors becoming personally liable for debts.
  • Can provide security and certainty to investors, clients, and suppliers.
  • Satisfies any loan conditions and keeps creditors and banks at bay.
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